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Oral Hygiene

Open 7 Days a Week,
Opens Saturdays & Sundays
Open bank Holidays

Emergency Medical Dental Clinic is North Dublin’s Premier Emergency and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic open 7 Days a week including Saturday and Sundays every weekend.

Guided Biofilm Therapy: What Is It?

GBT is a cutting-edge method of dental hygiene that uses cutting-edge equipment and methods to get rid of toxic biofilms from the teeth and gums, including dental plaque. In addition to assisting in the prevention of dental disorders including cavities and gum disease, this highly successful procedure also enhances the general well-being and aesthetics of your teeth and gums.

In just one session, you'll experience the benefits and see the outcomes!

Why do I need to visit a hygienist?

When dangerous plaque and tartar are removed during a thorough GBT & Airflow hygiene treatment, periodontitis (commonly known as gum disease) can be prevented.

It is possible to have healthy, strong teeth that are free of disease and pain, and you may start taking good care of your teeth and gums at any age. We are dedicated about prevention and tell our patients that they can keep their smiles healthy by getting regular dental exams, therapy, and guidance from our hygienists.

Now that you have regular dental hygiene appointments built into your schedule, you can keep on top of your oral health and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Dental biofilm: What is it?

A sticky film of bacteria and other germs called dental biofilm, also referred to as dental plaque, develops on the teeth and gumline. When oral bacteria attach to teeth and start to reproduce, a thin biofilm coating is created, which is a normal and ongoing process.

If dental biofilm is not routinely removed through good oral hygiene practises like brushing, flossing, and frequent dental checkups, it can result in dental issues including tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque can solidify into tartar if it is not removed, which can only be done by a dental professional. As a result, it's critical to maintain appropriate oral hygiene practises to avoid the formation of dental biofilm and to preserve the health of your teeth and gums.

Will GBT & Airflow therapy be more beneficial for me than a standard scale and polish?

Advanced dental cleaning methods like GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy) and Airflow therapy provide several advantages over scale and polish procedures. The following are a few justifications for thinking about GBT and Airflow therapy:

Greater elimination of biofilm: Compared to conventional scaling and polishing methods, GBT and Airflow therapy use a combination of ultrasonic scalers, air polishers, and stain removal tools. After the surgery, you are less likely to acquire cavities or gum disease

Less traumatic to the teeth and gums: Traditional scaling and polishing can occasionally be painful, particularly if you have sensitive teeth or gums. Modern tools and materials are used by our skilled hygienists to complete GBT operations. This involves utilising cutting-edge ultrasound equipment and air-polishing systems to administer your hygiene treatment in the least invasive manner possible while maintaining the highest standards of comfort, safety, and effectiveness. Enjoy a spa-like experience by choosing your preferred water temperature from 5 settings, including unheated, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, and 40°; this is perfect for kids and patients with delicate skin.

A tiny powder is propelled against the teeth during airflow therapy to better eliminate stains brought on by smoking, coffee, tea, or red wine. With this method, tough stains that are challenging to remove with scaling and polishing can be eliminated.

Overall, GBT and Airflow therapy provide a more sophisticated and efficient cleaning experience that can help you maintain good oral health and give you beautiful, comfortable teeth.

Will there be pain?

A dental hygiene procedure is typically not very painful.

Modern tools and materials are used by our skilled hygienists to complete GBT operations. This involves utilising cutting-edge ultrasound equipment and air-polishing systems to administer your hygiene treatment in the least invasive manner possible while maintaining the highest standards of comfort, safety, and effectiveness.

Enjoy a spa-like experience by choosing your preferred water temperature from 5 settings, including unheated, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C, and 40°; this is perfect for kids and patients with delicate skin.

Let your dental hygienist know if you have any pain or discomfort so that we can apply a local anaesthetic gel to relieve the symptoms.

Should I visit a hygienist if I think I have gum disease?

The following conditions should be addressed by a hygienist:

- Bleeding gums

- unpleasant aftertaste

- swollen gums

- bad breath

- Missing teeth

- Gum shrinkage

If your hygienist determines that you would benefit from seeing a periodontist (gum specialist) after your hygiene appointment, an internal referral can be made.

Our mission is to provide exceptional aesthetic dentistry while also promoting long-term dental wellness.

Our carefully selected team of dental specialists will go above and beyond to ensure that each patient's treatment plan is specifically tailored to their needs.

What Our Patients Say

Our Treatments

At Emergency Dental Clinic, we welcome all patients and provide a full range of dental, restorative, cosmetic, orthodontic, and surgical treatments that are specifically tailored to your needs.

General Dentistry

Whatever the reason for a patient’s visit, we want them to feel at home when they visit Smile Hub Dental Clinic.

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Our Smile Hub Hygienists have received further training to assist dentists in providing patient care. Hygienists serve a vital part in dental health care, focusing on gum health, teaching individuals how to properly care for their teeth at home, and applying preventative materials to teeth and gums.

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Gum infections are more common than people realise, as is tooth decay leading to gum infection. Although easily prevented gum infection may lead to severe discomfort and tooth loss if untreated, as the teeth and gums are destroyed by the oral infection.

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If you need a tooth removed one of our highly skilled dentists will take a history of your dental and medical health followed by a comprehensive extraoral and intraoral dental examination.

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When a tooth has decay or accidental damage your dentist may recommend a dental filling. This simple operative procedure ensures that all decay and the affected tooth structure will be cleanly removed and replaced with a durable filling material.

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Sensitive teeth feel sore when exposed to changes in temperature, as experienced when eating hot or cold foods and when breathing in air.

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Imagine being able to straighten your teeth without anyone knowing! Invisalign is a clever system which uses extremely thin clear aligners enabling you to straighten your teeth discreetly.

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Here at Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre, one of our great orthodontic options is the Inman Aligner. The Inman aligner is a great option for patients with crowding or protruding front teeth.

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Here at Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre, we provide bonded retainers after orthodontic treatment and to prevent teeth from moving out of place.

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SureSmile is a novel approach to creating custom braces that enables precise and effective outcomes.

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Orthodontics corrects misaligned teeth in your mouth improving your smile’s appearance, function and the health of your teeth and gums. At Smile Hub Dental

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Cosmetic Dentistry

A dental ceramic crown or dental cap is a tooth-shaped shell which encompasses a broken down tooth to reinforce it and provide structural strength to your damaged tooth.

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, we offer Inlays and Onlays to restore teeth towards the back of the mouth that have decay or damage. Inlays and Onlays are stronger and last longer than tooth coloured fillings

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre your dentist can provide you with a dental bridge for a tooth replacement or gap in your mouth.

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Dentures are prosthetic appliances created to replace missing teeth. Dentures are held in or supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues in the mouth

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre we provide veneers which are thin pieces of porcelain which are custom-made and bonded to the front of your natural teeth to improve your tooth’s shape, shade and alignment.

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Composite bonding or cosmetic bonding is a procedure where the dentist adds a special coloured resin to your teeth to improve their appearance. It is absolutely pain free, no anaesthesia is needed and there is no permanent alteration to the natural tooth structure, as no drilling is necessary.

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre our highly skilled dentists pride ourselves in being teeth whitening experts. Smile Hub Dental Clinic is North Dublin’s Premier Cosmetic Dental Clinic.

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre our highly skilled dentists treat decayed, fractured, discoloured, worn, chipped and cracked teeth in adults. A lot of our patients attend for our cosmetic smile solutions as they’re unhappy with the shape or colour of their teeth.

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Emergency Dentistry

At Smile Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre our highly skilled dentists provide emergency treatment to fix broken teeth, broken fillings and crowns or bridges.

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre our highly experienced dentists know that no tooth replacement is ever as good as your natural tooth. Saving your own tooth should always be your principal objective when a dental emergency arises.

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At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre our highly skilled dentists prioritise the extraction of infected or painful wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth can be painful due to impaction, tooth decay or a gum infection.

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Gum disease or periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease which affects tissues surrounding the teeth. When plaque accumulates on the teeth it causes this type of bacterial infection.

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Here at Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre we recommend booking an emergency appointment if you have busted your lip. Lips are made up of three layers of skin muscle and oral mucosa which is on the inside of the mouth.

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When we eat food debris can become trapped between teeth and are difficult to remove by flossing or brushing teeth. While eating unforeseen objects such as a piece of metal may also be present and become stuck in the gum tissue or tongue.

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